Massachusetts has adopted Commercial Stretch Energy Codes as part of its broader effort to improve energy efficiency and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. These codes are designed to go beyond the baseline energy codes and set higher performance standards for new commercial buildings and major renovations. The codes will indirectly affect our industry when upgrading equipment and remodeling existing buildings and it will be essential to stay current with the future Mass Save Programs.
Read MoreNew MA Stretch Codes Set to Make an Impact on Energy Efficiency
Expert Interview Series: Keith Knowles, Limpsfield
We are excited to share a new interview in our Expert Interview Series.
Thank you very much to long time vendor/partner Mr. Keith Knowles of Limpsfield for taking the time to contribute to our Expert Interview Series. We’ve performed many Cleaver Brooks/Limpsfield retrofits over the years and his expertise is remarkable. Keith has traveled the globe and it was great to hear from him on different topics outside of the burner world. Thank you very much, Keith for your willingness to partake. - Geoff Wilkinson, Jr.
Read MoreName That Part: Answer Revealed
Here is the answer in our latest round of Name That Part. Thank you to everyone who took the time to submit a guess!
Read MoreName That Part
Do you know what this is? Take a guess and post your answer to play the latest round of Name That Part! The correct answer will be revealed on The Heat Exchange soon.
Read MoreYear in Review 2023
As we wrap up 2023, we're taking a look back at the most popular posts from our website, The Heat Exchange blog and our social media platforms. We've enjoyed highlighting some of our projects and news throughout the year.
Read MoreSupply Shortage of Cast Iron Steam Boilers and Alternative Boiler Replacement
New commercial 15# steam cast iron heating boilers have been in unusually short supply since the start of the pandemic. The staple of small-medium-size buildings and low-pressure steam process boilers are at a crossroads in our industry. Couple that with the new US Department of Energy (DOE) regulations and cast iron boiler manufacturers are in a state of flux.
Read MoreAssociate Spotlight: Dave Richardson
Rental Boilers Keep You Running
Summer is in full swing and you may have some big projects going on in your boiler room. When boilers are shut down for the season, it’s the perfect time for upgrades as well as corrective or preventive maintenance.
Read MoreHiring: Journeyman Plumbers & Service Technicians
Our Construction and Service divisions are growing and we're looking for Journeyman Plumbers and Services Technicians to join our team!
Read MoreManagement Team News
Please join The Wilkinson Companies in welcoming Richard Moynihan, our new Chief Financial Officer.