Get to know Dave Richardson.


Spotlight Dave


What is your position? I work in the Installation department.

How long have you been with the company? I've been working here for 24 years.

What do you like about working at Wilkinson? I like working for Wilkinson because the job truly suits my personality. I like that I'm required to do a variety of tasks. It might be rigging one day or welding the next. It's also the variety of locations that we go to. Schools, hospitals, factories, mills, pharmaceutical facilities and more. We even work on ships. You never know where your next job is going to be. The jobs can be logistically challenging but at the end of the day we have completed a task. The skills that I've been taught on the job and the tools that we use allow us to do a large variety of jobs. I find that satisfying.  

What do you do in your free time? In my spare time I like going out to eat with friends and family. I like live music and watching any type of sports. I'm looking forward to the Rugby World Cup. I'm also a member of the Marshfield Elks as well as the Norwell Mens Club.  

What advice would you give to someone starting out in this field? To a young person who wants to learn a trade, I'd advise you to be on time. Be willing and ready to get in there and help. Ask questions. The experienced guys want to show you how to do things because the more you can do, the smoother the job goes.


Written by Elaina Schlumper